新聞出處 (請點)

受俄羅斯政府控制的國家電視台(Russian state TV )在昨天公佈一張宣稱是馬來西亞航空MH17被烏克蘭戰機擊落時的照片. 由於近日俄國總統(Vladimir Putin)要到澳洲參與G20高峰會, 外界預測, 屆時Putin將會被質詢關於烏克蘭危機及馬航MH17相關問題. 因此俄國國家電視台希望透過此新聞發布, 能幫助總統Putin.

新聞一開始就說 "我們都知道澳洲總理Abbott威脅說要問我們的總統一些與馬航MH17的艱難問題. 讓我們一起幫助他"
We know that Australian Prime Minister Abbott threatened to ask our president some difficult questions about the Malaysian Boeing. Let us help him," Leontyev said at the start of the broadcast.

然而, 西方國家的調查顯示, 馬航MH17很有可能是被陸面發射的砲彈碎片所擊中
Western investigators say the plane was likely hit by shrapnel from a surface-to-air weapon.

另一方面, 網友也紛紛對新聞提供的照片提出質疑...例如: 圖片中馬航的Logo位置不正確,機身是波音767而非失事的馬航77
Several commentators pointed out that the "Malaysia" logo on the plane from the photograph was in the wrong place. Maksim Kats, a Russian blogger, said the plane in the picture looked like a slightly altered version of the one that tops the search results if you Google "Boeing view from above" in Russian. It also happens to be a publicity photo of a Boeing 767, not a 777, which was shot down over Ukraine in July.

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