白人的特權比較容易被看見 (因為我不是白種人)
然而, 我們每個人都可能無意識地使用了某些特權(privilege)
Peggy Mclntosh給特權定義為: 一個無形的不勞而獲的資產 (an invisible package of unearned assets),且更進一步說明, "特權"不僅僅發生在種族或性別的對立上,社會層級中隨處可見.而這包含社會階級,性向,宗教,教育程度,年齡,體能等等.
"Social justice activists and writers have built on Peggy McIntosh’s original essay on privilege in 1988, by adding to and modifing the original list to highlight how privilege is not merely about race or gender, but that it is a series of interrelated hierarchies and power dynamics that touch all facets of social life: race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, education, gender identity, age, physical ability, passing, etc. "
比方說, 異性戀特權主導的社會假設每一個人都是異性戀.而這迫使非異性戀往往需藉由"出櫃"才能讓其他人感受到他們的存在. 在媒體部分, 很少看到主角是非異性戀者,除非該劇情需要非異性戀者這個角色才會有. 然而, 異性戀者常常展示他們的性取向 (展現婚戒,孩子的照片,媒體採訪XX的配偶)但很少被觀眾注意到.
Heterosexual privilege includes the assumption that everyone is heterosexual which forces Queer people to be constantly undergoing a coming out process in their daily lives. In the media, we rarely see lead characters who are Queer-identified unless the character’s sexuality is pivotal to the plot. Conversely, heterosexual characters enact their sexuality constantly (the presence of things like wedding rings, photos of children, discussions about one’s spouse in various media are all indications of a character’s sexuality, but are hardly ever noticed by the audience.
- Jun 02 Tue 2015 10:59
TED演講: Image is powerful, but also is superficial